Arun Varghese

Senior Software Engineer

Plano, Texas
Software Engineer with over 10 years of full-stack experience in the complete development life cycle of distributed web applications, from design to development to delivery. In my free time, I work on front-end web development with popular frameworks to learn more about UI/UX and Software Architecture

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Senior Software Engineer

Plano, TX January 2022 - Present

Digitizing physical forms and adding business validations, api integrations, additional logic to make customer onboarding self-service and a smoother experience. In addition, as one of the UI leads I identify areas for improvement in our internal and customer facing applications and work on creating enhancements and reusable components that streamline the development process


  • Migrated manual processes and form submissions to self-service digitized forms to increase customer onboarding throughput by 10x
  • Designed and developed reusable angular material components to streamline development of new features and provide consistency for the look and feel of internal and external web applications
  • Proficiently troubleshooted complex issues across multilayered architecture and documented solutions to reduce repetitive investigations and improve triage times for support teams by 20%
  • Identified and revamped workflow tool search/filtering by implementing enhancements like server-side pagination to improve page load performance from 10+sec to <2sec
  • Partnered with DevOps team to get Spring Boot instance of legacy webservice into Production in a timely manner to improve stability, streamline deployments, and debugging
  • Increased test coverage up to 80% across internal web application and spring boot webservices


Mac OSLinuxZSHElastic SearchHTMLSCSSMySQLMyBatisIntelliJMicro ServicesAgileScrumKarmaSpring MVCRESTGithubGITKubernetesNexusMavenDockerJUnitPostmanSlackJIRAConfluence WikiAngularTypeScript

Senior Software Engineer & Tech Lead

Plano, TX June 2018 - December 2021

Full Stack, led migration of legacy applications to Angular framework with an emphasis on Material design to improve client side experiences, unify look and feel across products, and transition to a modern tech stack using event driven messaging. In addition I mentor junior developers through onboarding, lunch and learns, and code reviews


  • Designed and developed solution for persisting user application preferences through a micro service using a mongo data store; presented during company hackathon and was approved to move forward with implementation
  • Organized lunch and learn on Angular best practices, standards, and common problems with solutions, providing the team with an opportunity to collaborate and learn while increasing knowledge and promoting work culture
  • Implemented versioned APIs and bounded contexts using DTOs and JPA to reduce dependencies, remove cross-schema communications, improve scalability, and properly define domains
  • Leveraged front end expertise to successfully migrate legacy application pages to Angular, thus reducing page load times, improving maintainability, and enriching the customer experience
  • Decomposed company sales workflow by domains, took isolated contexts and migrated them to micro services that are a part of a new event driven messaging architecture
  • Guided team of developers and coordinated with SMEs to complete roll out of Advanced QoS features, successfully migrating initial components from JSF to Angular
  • Introduced concept of correlations IDs, improved logging and tracking of events through an event driven system


Mac OSLinuxElastic SearchHTMLJQueryAJAXCSSXMLMySQLMyBatisMongoJPADTOIntelliJMicro ServicesAgileScrumKanbanTDDKarmaSeleniumSpring MVCRESTOOGITCoberturaNexusMavenTomcatJUnitSoapUIPostmanSlackJIRAPivotalMS PowerPoint/Word/ExcelConfluence WikiSplunkAngularJS/AngularTypeScriptJavaScript

Senior Software Engineer

Irving, TX August 2015 - June 2018

Java microservice architecture redesign to support scaling of reporting abilities for our customer solutions as part of our push for a more microservice oriented architecture using Spring Boot, Kakfa, JPA, and Docker. In addition, I worked on internal tools development including high priority enhancements, as well as managing ongoing relationships with major carriers like Sprint/T-Mobile/Verizon/AT&T


  • Focused on our core platform, taking part in solution design and implementation of RESTful web services as part of our push for a more micro service oriented architecture using Spring Boot, Kakfa, JPA, and Docker
  • Owned the development and successful rollout of SIM management features for new vendors/partners, which decreased device airtime costs up to fifty percent and support team’s involvement in the process
  • Managed onboarding for new team members, including mentorship and best practices. In addition I managed ongoing relationships with major carriers like Sprint/T-Mobile/Verizon/AT&T
  • Took over role as permanent Scrum Master, over time helped the team to develop consistent results and velocity
  • Created scripts as workarounds to current application logic gaps, passed to tier 2 to reduce support load
  • Worked with stakeholders/clients to directly address, prioritize, and deliver high impact items
  • Lead efforts to onboard new vendors, including knowledge share, API integration, and network configurations
  • Migrated legacy code from previous code base, adhering to new coding standards and best practices
  • Supported development initiatives to enhance the core technology and improve customer experiences
  • Collaborated with core platform team to design architecture for new features
  • Documented personal notes whenever possible, updating dev and onboarding guides for new developers and common issues
  • Created scripts for quicker testing, documented so that QA team members could easily reuse
  • Dealt with shifting priorities, worked around resource gaps
  • Worked with major carriers to setup m2m services, upgrade APIs, and troubleshoot customer issues
  • Designed and developed audit capabilities for carrier service integrations
  • Presented on multiple occasions including functional demos to upper management
  • Leveraged acquired technology knowledge to demo and implement product solutions
  • Led carrier integration efforts to upgrade carrier APIs and troubleshoot connectivity issues
  • Initiated and led agile meetings including scrum, grooming, retrospectives, and planning sessions


Mac OSLinuxM2MGroovyGrailsElastic SearchCXFHTMLJavaScriptJQueryAJAXCSSXMLMySQLAgileTDDSpring MVCRESTSOAPOOGITBambooCoberturaNexusMavenTomcatSpockJUnitSoapUIPostmanSlackJIRAPivotalMS PowerPoint/Word/ExcelConfluence WikiLogic MonitorSplunkAngularTypeScript

Software Developer

Westlake, TX July 2012 - August 2015

Owned and maintained high visibility maturing application as well as supported over five other applications within the company’s data access layer. UI/Middle Tier Java developer for a growing application dealing with Reference Data Consolidation. I have had the opportunity to start on this endeavor in its infantile state and watch it grow into a high visibility project, learning to deal with a variety of challenges along the way


  • Identified issues with deployment process, learned and implemented UNIX shell scripts to automate deployment process in application environments to reduce deployment errors and overall execution time
  • Owned and maintained high visibility maturing application dealing with Reference Data Consolidation as well as supported over five other applications within the company’s data access layer
  • Automated test data setup by incorporating real time data through Java, reducing testing setup time from hours to minutes; this also reduced scripts and manual inputs required to complete E2E integration tests
  • Piloted disaster recovery automation efforts, utilized HP Operations Orchestration studio to create release engineering processes to minimize manual inputs and reduce resources on call
  • Led integration with vendor-developed IRA to connect to systems for automating data setup, effectively reducing manual setup process from weeks to minutes
  • Facilitated quarterly release using SAFe framework through collaborating with architecture leads
  • Owned vendor product adoption, became subject matter expert and supported clients
  • Led multiple Spring MVC projects, interfaced with global project teams to ensure on time deliverables
  • Experienced in analyzing and completing Java, HTML, JavaScript code stubs written by senior developers
  • Led efforts during multiple application site migrations, performed UNIX configurations and supported clients
  • Documented user stories In JIRA and created developer tasks
  • Performed code reviews through FishEye/Crucible for developers to improve quality and efficiency
  • Reviewed change requests and collaborated with development teams to prioritize backlogs for releases
  • Supported multiple projects in testing, development, and maintaining deliverables
  • Developed web services using both REST and SOAP to support DAL SDS application, implemented SOA APIs
  • Tested web services using both SoapUI as well as Postman
  • Wrote JUnits and refactored to improve Sonar nightly build reports
  • Worked with quality assurance team to document and prioritize defects documented in HP Quality Center
  • Created user interfaces for new functionality for legacy projects using HTML, JavaScript, JQuery, MVC
  • Managed branching and merging of project source code in SVN to align with quarterly project releases
  • Supported multiple applications through HP Service Manager, handling incident requests in a timely manner
  • Documented vendor product setup steps as well as testing procedures through SoapUI and HermesJMS
  • Developed user interfaces for FundRef application, modifying form elements from screen to screen
  • Developed middle tier for FundRef application, modifying XML bindings between domain and XSD objects


WindowsLinuxJava/J2EEHTMLJavaScriptJQueryAJAXCSSXML/XSDXSLTShell ScriptingOracle 11gOracle SQL DeveloperPL/SQLJDBCiBatisMyBatisAgileTDDSeleniumSpring MVCRESTSOAPSOAOOSVNBambooSonarFishEye/CrucibleAntMavenSpringSourceTomcatWinSCPPuttyJUnitSoapUIPostmanSeleniumJIRAHP Quality CenterHP Operations OrchestrationHP Service ManagerMS PowerPoint/Word/ExcelSharePoint


University of Texas at Dallas

B.S. in Software Engineering Graduated May 2012


Collaborator on US Patent 9491178 B2

Identifying a measure of online security Published November 2016

A computer-implemented method includes retrieving, by one or more processing devices and from one or more data repositories, user information; generating, based on the retrieved user information, a digital personal profile that is a composite of a set of pre-defined attributes; determining an aggregate strength of values of the set of pre-defined attributes [...]

Open Source

Resume Builder

Photo Tiles

Car Dashboard


Environment Dashboard

Nspire Platform

FundRef - Fund Reference Application

IRA - Integrated Routing Adapter

DAL SDS - Data Access Layer Shared Data Services

FEAS - Fund Event Automation System

SWAP – Single Window Approval Project

CAR – Counterparty Approval Requests

Current Interests

Work Authorization

US Citizen